Create. Record.
Cash In.

Got mad video skills? Time to cash in on your talent with our awesome brand network. Let's go!
Get free products
Most campaigns will ship you their products for free. Best part? You get to keep 'em
Be your own boss
Create ads on your time. You can apply to as many (or as few!) campaigns as you’d like.
Direct deposits
Once a campaign is approved, the cash is transferred directly to your bank.
Value your time
We believe in paying you for your time. Every campaign pays creators.
Get free products
Most campaigns will ship you their products for free. Best part? You get to keep 'em
Be your own boss
Create ads on your time. You can apply to as many (or as few!) campaigns as you’d like.
Direct deposits
Once a campaign is approved, the cash is transferred directly to your bank.
Value your time
We believe in paying you for your time. Every campaign pays creators.

Work with Epic brands

Get creative with top names in the game

Why Native UGC?

Why creators choose Native UGC all day, every day
Never post on your own account
Legal stuff? We got you
Brands pay up front
Smooth follow-ups & approval
Set upfront prices, no sweat
Submit vids in our app
Clear briefs, no confusion
Apply to brands in the app
Everything Else
Alienate your followers with products
Contracts? Good luck!
Chasing brands for your cash
Stressful DIY follow-ups & approval
Time-wasting negotiations
Messing with Dropbox
Vague briefs, total headaches
Hours of DMs? No, thanks!

How to get started?

Let's get this party started

It's easy peasy – download our app, sign up, drop your shipping info, and record a cool 15-second intro video about yourself. Submit your account for approval, and you're in!
Download the app and sign up
Enter your shipping deets
Record a 15-second intro video

All the opportunities, all in one place

Check out all the dope campaigns you can apply to, with clear deliverables and payouts – no sketchy surprises. Plus, score some free products worth big bucks from certain campaigns!
Browse tons of campaigns
Know the deets: deliverables & payouts
Snag free products from select campaigns

Bring your A-game

Once you're in, it's go time! Some brands give you a full script, so just read it using our in-app teleprompter. Submit your vids for review, and the brand will hit you up within 3 days – all through the app!
Start shooting when you're in
Rock our in-app teleprompter
Submit vids & get feedback in 3 days

Get paid, no drama

After your vids are approved, we'll make it rain – funds hit your bank account within 5 days. No chasing brands for your dough. And with Stripe Connect, it's fast and secure.
Auto deposit when you're approved
Get paid in less than 5 days
Securely processed with Stripe Connect

Frequently asked questions

How many followers do I need to have?
No minimum here, buddy! We're not about influencer marketing – just show us you can create bomb content and that you're reliable, and you're good to go.
How much will I get paid per video?
Each campaign is unique, so payouts vary depending on the work involved. You'll see the exact payout and deliverables before applying, so you can decide if it's worth your time. Campaigns can range from $50 to $200 per video.
Is this only for US-based creators?
Right now, we're vibing with creators in the US and Canada. But stay tuned – we've got plans to expand internationally!
Do you have an Android app?
Not yet, but we're working on it! For now, we've got an iOS app, but we'll be launching an Android app real soon.
How do I get paid?
When you set up your account, you'll connect Native UGC to your bank account for auto-deposits. It's all secure, 'cause we use Stripe Connect to handle it.
Do I get free products for every campaign?
Nah, not every campaign has freebies. Some don't need products, so you won't get any. But when you apply to a campaign, you'll see if there are any free products included or not.
How do I get started?
Easy! Just download our app in the App Store.